Hybrid Prosthesis


Hybrid Prosthesis

A hybrid prosthesis can be an excellent option for individuals with specific dental conditions or concerns. We proudly offer this solution to our Concord, NC, patients!

What Are Hybrid Dentures?

Hybrid dentures, or fixed-detachable prostheses, are attached to four or more implants in the jaw. Unlike removable dentures, they do not rub against the gums and work much more like natural teeth. People enjoy hybrid dentures because they open a wider range of benefits, such as more food options, improved stability, and an attractive smile.

complete lower dental prosthesis process on implants

Am I a Candidate for a Hybrid Prosthesis?

If you are tired of wearing traditional dentures and have always wanted fixed teeth, you could be a good candidate for hybrid fixed-detachable dentures. While the suitability for hybrid prosthesis may vary based on individual circumstances, here are some common candidates who can benefit from this treatment:

  • Patients who have lost all or a significant number of their natural teeth
  • Patients with inadequate bone support
  • Individuals who have struggled with conventional dentures
  • Patients with a desire for improved aesthetics
  • Patients who want to improve speech and function

Am I a Candidate for a Hybrid Prosthesis?

Hybrid dentures require a specific cleaning process that differs from traditional removable dentures and natural teeth. It is crucial to follow these guidelines for effective cleaning to ensure the longevity of your hybrid dentures and maintain healthy gums and jawbone:

Thorough Cleaning: Clean both under and around the dentures to remove any food particles or debris that may accumulate. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush or an interdental brush to clean the areas where the dentures meet the gums, ensuring a comprehensive cleaning routine.

Special Attention to Teeth: Pay extra attention to the artificial teeth on your hybrid dentures when cleaning them. Brush them gently with a non-abrasive toothpaste to maintain their appearance and functionality.

Regular Professional Cleaning: Visiting Zsambeky, Chaney, & Associates regularly for a professional cleaning is highly recommended. Our dental team has the expertise and tools to thoroughly clean your hybrid dentures, ensuring their optimal hygiene and longevity. During these visits, we will safely remove the dentures, clean them professionally, and examine your oral health.

Have Any Questions About a Hybrid Prosthesis in Concord, NC?

We can’t wait to get you on track to having the confident smile you deserve! If you’re interested in a hybrid prosthesis, schedule a consultation with us today so we can evaluate your suitability and recommend the most appropriate treatment option to meet your needs.

what our patients say

“I love this group of people. From the office staff to the medical staff - they are the best! Kind, gentle and up on the latest in dentistry. I highly recommend Zsambeky Chaney & Associates!”

- Ann F.

“Dentists and staff are always friendly and professional. The dental care I get here is superb. In over twenty years of being a patient, my experiences have always been great!”

- Lisa H.

“The best dental office in Concord, NC. If you plan to move here, choose this office. You won’t be disappointed. Dr. Zsambeky and his staff are the best!”

- Virginia C.

“This team keeps you laughing while they take care of your dental needs, which can sometimes be a dreaded experience. I am greeted by my first name when I enter and I don’t have to wait long in the lobby. The office staff helps me plan more complex visits in conjunction with my insurance and what is doable for me.”

- Derek F.


Your Perfect Dental Partner

Monday - Thursday: 7am-5pm
Friday: Appointment Only
